The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Creating Our Collective Autobiography

As we honour the past…
We meet in the present…
And together we step into the future

Individually and collectively, we intend to honour, bless and lay the past to rest by telling our stories; awaken to the spirit that is calling each and all of us and share it with each other; and step into the future that is seeking to take shape in and through us, as we learn more about and from each other.

We are working together to create a comprehensive record of our Community history, written by and large by those who created it. Here you will find stories about our establishment and growth, our successes and our challenges, and much more.

Our Common Ground

In service to spirit, humanity and the earth we hold in common the following
Principles, Essence and Guidelines


Latest News

Summer solstice celebrations

Summer solstice celebrations

The summer solstice was celebrated in so many ways by the community this year - Bless Dancing on the beach (with accompanying dolphins!), a lovely concert in the Sunshine Room with Elaine Silver, community singing and stories in the Singing Chamber with Barbara...

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community featured in national press

community featured in national press

The Herald recently published a piece about the community, 'From small beginnings Findhorn has become home to innovative, modern-day eco-warriors' which describes some of our work around energy production and experimentation, which is ongoing. You can read the full...

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Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

From the Findhorn Foundation Cluny Hill With much sadness the decision has been made to sell our beloved Cluny Hill, a former Victorian Hotel, which held many of our programmes and will be greatly missed by many of us here and around the globe. Terence Gilbey (CEO of...

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