The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
Our Services
We also offer membership– if you like what you see here, please join us here!

- Visitor Centre for those visiting The Park Ecovillage
- General Office and Mailroom (details at bottom of page)
- Rainbow Bridge, our community newsletter
- Community meetings monthly or more!
- Council cafes weekly in the Park Ecovillage and sometimes in Forres
- Community sharings and witnessing
- Community meditations
- Sunday Slots for groups who wish to organise their own meetings
- Boutiques & Recycling station
- Bed & Breakfast accommodation list
- Birthday list – which is published in Rainbow Bridge
- Community website – you are on it!
- ‘What’s On’ listings for member circulation
- Representation on Findhorn & Kinloss Community Council, community groups & organisations & the Collaboration Circle
- Holding funds for community groups
- Supporting Families group and Caring Community Circle
- Abundance Fund for those in need
- Mapping the Eight Petals ecovillage model for the community and convening groups to help community development, including the submission of a community based Call for Ideas to Moray Council
- Conflict Resilience Group and Peacekeepers
- Listener Conveners and Council who hold all this together
- Holding the Celebrating One Incredible Family website
- Emergency Resilience Plan
- The NFA is a full ecovillage member of GEN Europe on behalf of the community and each year up to 6 NFA members are invited to attend the annual General Assembly and Ecovillage Gathering to represent the NFA on behalf of the Park Ecovillage within the GEN network. (If you are not an NFA member or/and would like to support GEN Europe financially, you can also become an individual member of GEN Europe)

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn
co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation
Latest News
new sanctuary update!
The next phase of building the New Sanctuary is happening, and last week Master woodworker and community friend Henry Fosbrooke came to facilitate and inspire community volunteers to put some love and care in to work on preparing some of the logs to create the large...
exploring the future of energy at the Park
At a packed presentation in Legacy on 26th June, over 40 community members turned up to hear about InterPED and how they could contribute to shaping the future energy in the Park. Over the course of three years FIRE (Findhorn Innovation Research and Education CIC)...
General election hustings
The community recently hosted a very successful general election hustings with around 190 attending, most of the participants from the local area in addition to community members. Six of the seven candidates came (all were invited) and answered questions from the...