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The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Arts group

Arts in the Findhorn Ecovillage July 2023

Submitted by Sharon Took-Zozaya

The Findhorn Ecovillage is home to a rich arts ‘ecosystem’ that includes individual, small group and community participation, as well as welcoming audiences of all sizes. Multiple arts practices here provide creative means for exploring and sharing aesthetic experiences, ideas and celebrations locally, as well as reaching out across Moray, Scotland and internationally. Organizations such as Universal Hall Promotions, Moray Art Centre, Phoenix Cafe and Dance North regularly host performances, participation opportunities and exhibitions provided by local, national and international artists. These activities enrich the cultural life of Moray, as well as having a positive economic impact through attracting visitors.

Amateurs, students and professionals of all ages from across Moray engage in a plethora of performing and visual art forms in the Findhorn Ecovillage through classes, workshops, collaborative groups and organized events. These widely varied creative activities are offered in overlapping contexts such as aesthetic experiences, entertainment, personal development, health and wellbeing, visioning, group-building activities, worship, and creative approaches to decision making.

We intend to map and support this large pool of arts activities, practitioners, and organizations as it continues to develop. Additional workshop venues and/or modifications to existing studio spaces may be required in order to fully accommodate creative practices in future. For example, it’s been widely acknowledged that a new purpose built studio for dance and physical theatre is needed in order to provide adequate space for movement based activities.


A partial sample of art forms currently represented here includes:

    • Dance: Five Rhythms, Open Floor, Sacred (circle) Dance, Contemporary Dance, Improvisation, Traditional Indian Dance, Ceilidh, plus other traditional dance and movement forms
    • Music: Instrumental music, choirs, Taize (songs for worship), vocal groups and individual singing
    • Pottery and sculpture
    • Visual Art: drawing, painting, graphic design, collage
    • Theatre: eco-theatre, original devised plays, improvisation, physical theatre
    • Written and spoken word
    • Photography and video
    • Crafts: weaving, stained glass, mosaic, furniture making, knitting 
    • Architecture 


The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


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