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The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Education Group Report

Ecovillage Findhorn – Education for Sustainable Regenerative Change Group July 2023

Ecovillage Findhorn aspires to be a joined up renowned holistic demo centre for Northern Scotland and beyond furthering place-based holistic education for sustainable and regenerative change both within the Ecovillage and reaching out to inspire and learn from other communities in Moray.

A place where people walk their talk whilst responding to what is happening in the community, in Moray and further afield.

A place embedded in co-creation with nature honouring intrinsic value, diversity and interconnection of all beings.

A place that responds to contemporary concerns including climate change, social injustice, Ecogrief, environmental crises, food and energy poverty and lack of inclusion.

A place where educational efforts will be guided by the holistic model for ecovillage education that considers the social, ecological, economic and world view / cultural / spiritual dimensions of sustainability and regeneration.

A place where outreach work will be respond to local needs and honour local wisdom. Educational offerings will be in the spirit of sharing and learning and co-created with local actors.

A place that draws upon and co-creates holistic education offerings with the many innovative practitioners living in the Ecovillage and environs.

A place that builds on existing local efforts concerned with education for holistic and regenerative change and strive to add value through collaboration and cooperation.

Envisaged holistic education initiatives include :
• Bioregional mapping stakeholders in community and region
• Deep Ecology, Eco grief
• Eco building, water and waste management education & demo centres
• Regenerative agriculture gardening school
• Food sovereignty
• Applied eco-theatre and creative programmes relating to performing arts awakening
• Interactive website / social media channels highlighting Ecovillage Findhorn and local actors,
inspiring initiatives & resources for holistic education for regenerative change.

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


Latest News

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General election hustings

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