The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Welcome to Our Community

From its humble beginnings in 1962, with our founders Eileen and Peter Caddy and Dorothy MacLean, our community has grown from a small group of people, through being a Foundation and into an ecovillage, a thriving local network and a global community. Here at the Park Ecovillage and beyond, we seek to live according to our three founding principles – inner listening, co-creation with the intelligences of nature and work as love in action. The purpose of the New Findhorn Association is to be a diversity of people showing by example a way of living in the world in alignment with Spirit, in co-operation with each other, and in service to the Earth, an experiment in conscious living.

We welcome you to our community and invite you to explore all that is on offer, both on-site and beyond!

Dance festival India

Who We Are

The New Findhorn Association (NFA) is the community association for individuals and organisations connected with the Park Ecovillage Community and the Findhorn Foundation.  We acknowledge to live and work by a set of Core Values laid out by the community, which we call our “Common Ground”.

Dance festival India

What We Do

The NFA provides a host of services for our community from a Visitor Centre to publication of a community newsletter as well as a  thriving ecosystem of groups and projects.  You can also join us at one of our many events.  Feel part of the Park Ecovillage community  at Findhorn.

Beltane Celebrations at Findhorn Park Ecovillage

Upcoming Events

We hold and support many community events including regular community meetings, sharings, witnessing, engagement, Council cafes, Sunday Slots & many more. In addition, our community is full of creative and generous people offering all kinds of wonderful things to do!’

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


Celebrating One Incredible Family

Individually and collectively, we intend to honour, bless and lay the past to rest by telling our stories. We are working together to create a comprehensive record of our Community history, written by and large by those who created it. Here you will find stories about our establishment and growth, our successes and our challenges, and much more.

Join Us

Join us now as a Full individual member  individual member to be fully included in the community!  You can apply if you live within an area of 50 miles radius around Findhorn, and subscribe to our core values we call the Common GroundWe also welcome you to our wider, global membership as an Associate member, so that you can keep in touch with the community wherever you are!

Latest News

Summer solstice celebrations

Summer solstice celebrations

The summer solstice was celebrated in so many ways by the community this year - Bless Dancing on the beach (with accompanying dolphins!), a lovely concert in the Sunshine Room with Elaine Silver, community singing and stories in the Singing Chamber with Barbara...

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community featured in national press

community featured in national press

The Herald recently published a piece about the community, 'From small beginnings Findhorn has become home to innovative, modern-day eco-warriors' which describes some of our work around energy production and experimentation, which is ongoing. You can read the full...

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Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

From the Findhorn Foundation Cluny Hill With much sadness the decision has been made to sell our beloved Cluny Hill, a former Victorian Hotel, which held many of our programmes and will be greatly missed by many of us here and around the globe. Terence Gilbey (CEO of...

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