The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
Dorota Owen

NFA Councillor
It’s the time of year when we think about the coming elections for NFA Council and I would like to encourage anyone who feels they would like a chance to get involved to stand for election in March. I certainly will – it has been such a privilege to serve as an NFA councilor and learn about our fascinating community and what it takes to run it.
This year , my main focus has been with our connection to GEN and I’ve been representing the NFA within this and other networks. It’s been a really inspiring and nourishing experience, understanding that we are an integral part of a world-wide wave of change.
The various circles within the NFA are discussed at our council meetings and it’s great to get an overview of what’s going on. There are so many volunteers doing sterling work in all our community circles. In particular I take off my hat to the Boutique team led b y the immensely capable Adele, coordinator of a large group of more than 10 people who spend more than 30 hours a week sorting and decanting our donations to this long-standing service to the community. I would like to see this acknowledged and developed by a community wide group to tackle our ever growing waste issues and to form a coherent policy for waste management and recycling in the Park, so if this calls to you see me ASAP please!
As a teacher in various local schools, I am sometimes a little tired by the time of our Wednesday evening meetings , but I soon perk up and often the meetings generate satisfying and/or interesting results. We take it in tu rns to focalize and learn new skills related to debate and facilitating groups. Sometimes I feel frustrated if it takes a long time to get something done but when I look back I can see that a lot has been achieved by the Council both individually and collectively.
Perhaps the most touching thing, for me, has been the growing cooperation between FF management and NFA Council during reasonably regular get-togethers, culminating in last week’s invitation for Councilors to attend part of the last morning of the Internal Conference. It made me realize how small the Foundation is. So few people, the Upper CC was a sufficient space to hold us all comfortably. And yet, obviously so much is achieved throu gh the partnership between the Foundation and the much more numerous NFA community. So, how important that is! Many thanks to all who make this possible
Dorota X
The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn
co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation
Latest News
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General election hustings
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