Latest news from New Findhorn Association

The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

COIF Imbolc Newsletter

Feb 1, 2024

In this Newsletter we bring you the first in a series of Topics to capture the history of the Ecovillage. We want to appreciate Janet Shaw who has taken on this task. She looks at the impact of 5 conferences on the evolution of the concept of the ecovillage and its implementation. Our Angel of Expectancy is with us as we await the three further instalments which she is hoping to deliver through 2024.

Her work with the conferences has highlighted to us that there is a treasure trove of fascinating material which is not only a celebration of our past but even more importantly essential information and inspiration for our present evolution as a Community and ecovillage. It is the fertile soil in which we have grown so far and holds an abundant seed store for our next steps. So, we are excited (expectant even ) to see what other stories of conferences this work inspires.

You can read the full newsletter here

New Findhorn Association Council

About Us

Collective Story



Our Common Ground

In service to spirit, humanity and the earth we hold in common the following
Principles, Essence and Guidelines
