Latest news from New Findhorn Association

The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Welcome Group

We meet each week and are open to anyone who feels this may be interesting or helpful. We welcome all, new arrivals are especially welcome.

  • We attune at the start of each gathering. 
  • Long-term Community members come to talk to us, about their life here and about their areas of expertise. They have included Adam Powel, Cornelia Featherstone, Lesley Downy, Dave Till, Dürten Lau, Katharina Brocke, Jörn, Amanda Haworth, Manda Stretch, and Sue Dominey.
  • The eight petals model used by the NFA is displayed on the table in our meeting space.
  • We help each other by sharing our knowledge of what’s here, and of how things work and bits of local knowledge useful for people who have recently arrived.
  • Rounds of sharing are central to our practice, about the highs and lows of our weeks, or whatever theme comes up. There is freedom to say anything politely and be heard.
  • We work as a team to help do jobs around the Park, such as cleaning the Visitor Centre ready for opening, painting the Pottery in Pine Ridge, renovating the old art studio, and making the Flower Essence chalet ready for refugees.
  • We have created signs for use at the Phoenix cafe as part of a project to encourage connection and alleviate loneliness – they are available for anyone to pick up and put on their table if they’d like to share some space with others.  The signs say ‘Welcome, please join us’ and ‘Welcome at this table’.

Watch the signs at the Visitor Centre and at the Phoenix Shop for more information about future activities.

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


Latest News

new sanctuary update!

new sanctuary update!

The next phase of building the New Sanctuary is happening, and last week Master woodworker and community friend Henry Fosbrooke came to facilitate and inspire community volunteers to put some love and care in to work on preparing some of the logs to create the large...

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exploring the future of energy at the Park

exploring the future of energy at the Park

At a packed presentation in Legacy on 26th June, over 40 community members turned up to hear about InterPED and how they could contribute to shaping the future energy in the Park. Over the course of three years FIRE (Findhorn Innovation Research and Education CIC)...

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General election hustings

General election hustings

The community recently hosted a very successful general election hustings with around 190 attending, most of the participants from the local area in addition to community members. Six of the seven candidates came (all were invited) and answered questions from the...

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