Latest news from New Findhorn Association



At the community gathering on 2nd June, we moved on from exploring Purpose to defining Primary Aims. Guided by Gordon McAlpine/NFA and Tessa Brock/EF, we welcomed back 55 Questors including 11 Harvest Hosts. In groups of 5 we took the challenge to identify key Aims that revealed how to live our Community Purpose. Using the 5 Themes affirmed on June 3, we discovered 15 Aims. Set out in the table below, with the votes each received, we have used colours to group them into 4 themes:

  • applied spirituality
  • sustainability (especially financial)
  • governance
  • alignment & demographics
  • miscellaneous
Votes  Draft Aim
27 To create a spiritual, relational learning environment for ourselves and others
10 Spiritual attunement and social alignment
3 Through clarifying our purpose we live our common ground and our commitment to personal and collective spiritual growth.
3 Address the shadow side of this community
19 Thriving on an economic, environmental and social level
3 Strengthen community volunteering / culture 
2 Real wealth and livelihood for all beings
0 Financial sustainability through sustainable practices on all levels
19 Inclusive accountable governance structures with clear lines of responsibility focused on outcomes and grounded in what is possible
10 Cohesion of individual and organisations attracting and retaining aligned people from a diverse background
6 To attract and retain people of all ages aligned and committed with stated purpose
10 Working in harmony with Nature
9 Create unified vision and story for community
Develop physical infrastructure and agree on priorities
1 Service and love.


Edited & collated versions for feedback from NFA Council and Visioning hosts

A To create a spiritual, relational learning environment for ourselves and others
P To cultivate a culture of respect, kindness and cooperation through internal education and agreed systems for communication and conflict facilitation
Q To learn and use effective methods and systems for governance, communication and conflict facilitation
E To learn and use inclusive, accountable governance structures with clear lines of responsibility focused on outcomes
F To thrive on an economic, environmental and social level
R To create 3-4 initiatives that generate significant and sustainable income for the community
J Cohesion of individual and organisations attracting and retaining aligned people from a diverse background
K To attract and retain people of all ages committed to our community purpose
S To ensure all new Park residents are aligned with our ethos, and to attract significantly more young people and families
L To significantly increase the ability of community members and organisations to work with the intelligence of nature as a primary basis for our activities and development
T To expand the Park ecovillage by building community owned / affordable accommodation


The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


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