The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
Rita Froesch
email: froeschri@yahoo.co.uk
I am from Switzerland and came here to do Experience Week in Spring 2001, after more than 10 years of hearing and thinking about Findhorn. I did Essence of the Arts the same year, came back the next two winters, mainly learning pottery, leading a classical choir, doing some Foundation courses and volunteering in NFA administration. Particularly this work in our community association helped me recognize and appreciate the fascinating (and sometimes challenging) complexity of this multi-faceted community. With each stay at Findhorn, I felt more strongly that I belong here, more than anywhere before. I live in the Park since January 2004, happy and grateful for my new home.
What I love in this community is the ‘inclusivity’, openness, internationality, its approach to spirituality, to dealing with differences and conflict, its purpose, the possibilities and encouragement for self-expression through arts and celebration – and more…
In Spring 2005, I felt it was time to go one step further and to offer my service to Council, in order to learn more about how this community works and to participate in the thinking and planning processes in these times of change and growth. As a councillor, my particular areas of awareness are our Website (www.findhorn.com) and the Community Helpline. I also do shifts in the General Office and in the NFA office when needed – all of this on a volunteer basis, with the aim to connect people and to liaise between organisations.
Besides that, I spend a lot of time in our wonderful Pottery, exploring my creativity and learning new skills, and I love to explore the beautiful countryside, to be in nature, to watch the seals, the birds, the clouds, the waves, the shifting sands.
The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn
'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn
co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation
Latest News
new sanctuary update!
The next phase of building the New Sanctuary is happening, and last week Master woodworker and community friend Henry Fosbrooke came to facilitate and inspire community volunteers to put some love and care in to work on preparing some of the logs to create the large...
exploring the future of energy at the Park
At a packed presentation in Legacy on 26th June, over 40 community members turned up to hear about InterPED and how they could contribute to shaping the future energy in the Park. Over the course of three years FIRE (Findhorn Innovation Research and Education CIC)...
General election hustings
The community recently hosted a very successful general election hustings with around 190 attending, most of the participants from the local area in addition to community members. Six of the seven candidates came (all were invited) and answered questions from the...