Latest news from New Findhorn Association

The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

Rowan Duczek

Hi, I am Rowan Duczek. 

I first made contact with Findhorn through attending two excellent conferences in the mid 1980’s and decided to leave my teaching job at York University to become part of this exciting experiment in Scotland. I have lived within and around the community for over 25 years – 15 years were spent in a caravan behind the Phoenix where I brought up my children Daniel and Ronja. I was delighted to become part of the initial group with Robert Gillman, establishing the NFA Constitution and serving as a Founding Councillor.

During my time at the Park, I looked after the Boutique for 10 years. Being an educator by profession I became very involved with the Moray Steiner School and was instrumental in initiating the Buy-Out of Drumduan House for the School. In January
2007 my beloved son Daniel (then 17) and his best friend Kayne died in a car accident. The following Funeral Celebration in the Universal Hall is my most moving and treasured experience of a community at ITS VERY BEST.

I have been inspired by the latest version of the Common Ground and wonder how this beautiful and transformative document lives within the hearts and minds of us all. The community is entering a new phase of co-operation and structural change and I
would be honoured to be part of this development. My life experience and my professional background in Peace Education might well be of service. God bless.

The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn

'The role of Findhorn is to help humanity turn within and be part of the solution to the chaos and confusion in the world.'
Eileen Caddy, Vision of Findhorn

co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation


Latest News

new sanctuary update!

new sanctuary update!

The next phase of building the New Sanctuary is happening, and last week Master woodworker and community friend Henry Fosbrooke came to facilitate and inspire community volunteers to put some love and care in to work on preparing some of the logs to create the large...

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exploring the future of energy at the Park

exploring the future of energy at the Park

At a packed presentation in Legacy on 26th June, over 40 community members turned up to hear about InterPED and how they could contribute to shaping the future energy in the Park. Over the course of three years FIRE (Findhorn Innovation Research and Education CIC)...

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General election hustings

General election hustings

The community recently hosted a very successful general election hustings with around 190 attending, most of the participants from the local area in addition to community members. Six of the seven candidates came (all were invited) and answered questions from the...

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