The Community Website for The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn


Evolution of the Findhorn Community

In 2015, a Powerpoint presentation developed by Katie Kukolj as part of the community wide change process outlining:

  • An appreciation of the past
  • An evaluation of the present
  • An exploration into the future

2015 Presentation (Community Meeting)

To visualise the complexity of the Findhorn Community and the place of the many organisations that live and work in and around The Park at Findhorn you can visit this Map, but be aware that there have been some minor changes since this map was created in or around 2015:

Organisational Map of the Findhorn Ecovillage Community

In 2016, a proposal was created for “a new model of co-creative, community-wide self-governance for the Findhorn Community, and the collaborative work continued through 2016:

2016 Proposal – Tobias & Anna K (March)
2016 Presentation – Chris Alder (November)

In 2017-2019, Findhorn continued to prepare the ground for more collaborative ways of engaging its Community members with the Community Change Working Group (CCWG) Next Phase Proposal: Towards a Cohesive, Purposeful and Vibrant Community (January 2017). 


The 2019 Progress Review captures the highlights of this (ongoing) Community Change Process (CCP). It is intended to support this community-led process to be more visible and understandable to the wider Community, to celebrate the efforts and achievements of those who have been holding, guiding, and participating in it, to engage more members, and most importantly, to invite the Community into a sense of togetherness on this transformational journey. By showcasing its 2017/2018 events and achievements, this Progress Review further aims to support the Community Change Process to assess its progress and to develop Next Steps:

NFA Council

NFA Model

NFA Evolution

New Findhorn Association common Ground

Common Ground

Our Common Ground

In service to spirit, humanity and the earth we hold in common the following
Principles, Essence and Guidelines


Latest News

new sanctuary update!

new sanctuary update!

The next phase of building the New Sanctuary is happening, and last week Master woodworker and community friend Henry Fosbrooke came to facilitate and inspire community volunteers to put some love and care in to work on preparing some of the logs to create the large...

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exploring the future of energy at the Park

exploring the future of energy at the Park

At a packed presentation in Legacy on 26th June, over 40 community members turned up to hear about InterPED and how they could contribute to shaping the future energy in the Park. Over the course of three years FIRE (Findhorn Innovation Research and Education CIC)...

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General election hustings

General election hustings

The community recently hosted a very successful general election hustings with around 190 attending, most of the participants from the local area in addition to community members. Six of the seven candidates came (all were invited) and answered questions from the...

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