Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

Beloved Cluny Hill to be sold

From the Findhorn Foundation Cluny Hill With much sadness the decision has been made to sell our beloved Cluny Hill, a former Victorian Hotel, which held many of our programmes and will be greatly missed by many of us here and around the globe. Terence Gilbey (CEO of...


THE OLD After 30 plus years of providing local and artisan food to the community, the time has come to hang up our aprons and retire for a bit of gardening. A heartfelt thank you to the huge network of customers colleagues suppliers and service providers that have...
Update from Findhorn Foundation & Ecovillage Findhorn

Update from Findhorn Foundation & Ecovillage Findhorn

On January 26th we shared the news that Findhorn Foundation (FF) and Ecovillage Findhorn (EF) were in discussion about an options package that would support moving most of the FF assets in The Park to EF. The idea was/is to support EF’s intention for democratic and...
NFA Common Community Visioning

NFA Common Community Visioning

For our opening event on Sunday 11th Feb, the wonderful Innerlinks team offered to the community a powerful yet tender ‘Next Steps Process’. In preparation, working together with the NFA Council, an intention was discerned to be our focus:“We intend to explore what is...